It Has a Good Side Too

Yes, social media has its faults and harms, and most of my blog post have been discussing them, however their are many positive and inspiration things it offers as well.  I think platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat have potential that is up to the user.  They can be used as productive forms of self expression that are attended to minimally, or they can be tools to toxically spread negative energy through inappropriate comments and posts. I think it is important to have self expression in your life, and I think, depending on what you make of your social media account, it can help you accentuate the parts of yourself that you like and want to share with the world.

The scary part of displaying selected parts of yourself has been discussed in one of my previous blogs, and now I am talking about the opposite here?? Yes.  I feel that it is not the act in general, it is the intent behind it.  If you are selecting a photo purely for body image, I think it is different than choosing a creative photo you feel represents your personality.  Everyone is evolving as a person every day, and personalities are constantly changing based on the actions and reactions that personality allows.  I think that by putting parts of yourself out into the world in a positive way such as Instagram, can be control that some people crave, and is not negative but actually enriching.

We are surrounded by bloggers and celebrities and YouTubers.  They are constantly bringing people in through their posts, creating communities around hashtags and encouraging many other people to put their selves out there.  I think this can be beneficial towards self confidence.  Just as much self confidence social media has hindered, I think it has also boosted.  Posts that get nearly a hundred thousand likes create a community around that post.  All one hundred thousand of those people are now a part of one thing together.  They have a place within the platform.  When they go back to their profile, they have a community of their own, and whether they have a safe place there or not is up to them and what they allow in the community.  But it is safe to assume that not all social media is toxic, because it has encouraged and embraced so much good as well.

Below I have attached a link to a social media influencer that has done most of what I have described above.  She frequently uses hashtags to embrace and bring in her followers, by encouraging them to post with the hashtags she suggests.  She also uses photography to express her creative self.
