Politics in English Language

Politicians use the English Language to Deceive 

Everyday we are surrounded by differences in opinions.  Controversies are infinite and everyone seems to have a side.  Some people keep their ideas to themselves and others feel the need to compulsively express their ideals, in hopes of getting you to accept them and possibly even adopt them for your own.  Sub-consciencely or consciencely influencers chose words with connotations that work for them and make their point seem more desirable.  How does social media allow politicians to manipulate the English language for their benefit?

For example, in the different sides to bills that are being voted on.  When one receives a voting guide with information on the pros and cons to the proposition the word choice is very different on either side.  Both are very persuasive, but to different audiences.  The writer is able to select words that hold a specific connotation.  The feelings and emotions that the words hold can work to address a certain groups needs or concerns.  This can be very scary because each side to the argument is giving the public a certain side of the story.  They are able to accentuate certain aspects and ignore others.  This can be done, in my opinion, purely by the words that the writer chooses to use. This can be especially dangerous to viewers and readers that do not work harder to research on there own.  If people continue taking things exactly as they are they will be accepting an incomplete story, and therefore giving in to false information.  This can lead to ignorant bias.  The word choice our politician use to essentially control what we chose can lead to a faulty democracy without acknowledgement from the people.

The topic of the english language can be connected to how politicians use propaganda.  The specific words they use are often general and hold no guarantees.  They ignite hope into the peoples minds without any guarantee of them working to make that idea a reality.  For example, one of the most known political slogans in politics today is "Make America Great Again."  A slogan given to us by our President Donald Trump.  The word "make" stands alone and without any promise or sure thing.  It creates a sense of assurance and makes the people feel included in the action because it does not address one people individually.  The word "great" is not one that should occupy our presidents mouth with frequency, it is one that is exchanged by toddlers on the playground as they discuss the ABCs.  The vague and open ended diction used in this slogan represents how the english language is being used to deceive.
