Media Blog #1

What is my relationship with media?

I find my relationship with media very useful but hurtful as well.  I spend and average of two and a half hours of time on my phone everyday.  I think that media is very beneficially socially.  It allows me to expand my relationships with people and express myself in different ways.  Instagram and Snapchat are platforms that can be helpful for strengthening relationships with people.

However, in different ways, these platforms can also be extremely hurtful.  They occupy the majority of my time and when I am not directly on them I spend time thinking about them.  The amount of time I spend connected with social media can be toxic when I do not realize it.  When I do realize how much time I have spent on media, I usually try to take a step back and take some time away.  Whenever I take a break like this I realize how little I missed.  It opens my eyes again, as a realize how much of social media becomes blown up in your mind.  Usually, for me, things on social media become blown out of proportion in my mind.

Overall, I think that social media is positive for me when I understand its insignificance.  I think that because real life infinitely more impactful that media, it is important to not spend too much time on media.  Although minimal time is important for me, without media of any sort I would feel like I was missing out.  It would be much harder to communicate with people I was not near or people that go to different schools. It would neglect me of a lot of creative expression that happens over various social media platforms.  I think that when used in control, media is very positive and beneficial.
